Do you know, you don’t have to be a programmer to write a computer program?
These days, by improving artificial intelligence methods, you can just write down what you expect from a computer program, and using special interface, the story will interpreted and turned into a computer program.
It don’t have to be a specific person to do so, just a robot called “transparent robot” (hidden from human eyes) can write the story down and interface such as Inform 7 can interpret the script and change it to a computer program.
Shakespeare is a Natural Programming Language which follows a specific rules to write the script:
The Shakespeare Programming Language (SPL) is an esoteric programming language designed by Jon Åslund and Karl Wiberg. Like the Chef programming language, it is designed to make programs appear to be something other than programs — in this case, Shakespearean plays.
A character list in the beginning of the program declares a number of stacks, naturally with names like “Romeo” and “Juliet”. These characters enter into dialogue with each other in which they manipulate each other’s topmost values, push and pop each other, and do I/O. The characters can also ask each other questions which behave as conditional statements. On the whole, the programming model is very similar to assembly language but much more verbose.