Personal Blog

Daily Routine

As a consequence of my experiences, I wanna share some of my life routines in 20 items: Sleep at least 7-8 hours a dayAvoid reading news at the start and end of the dayEat breakfastDaily judgingDaily pray and meditation, at least 20 minute a dayAvoid eating processed foodEat more vegetable - less oil, salt and sugar Burn a candle while listening to light musicRead at least 10 pages of a book everydayCall your friends and family regularlyDrink warm milk before…
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Fall 2022

Here is officially fall. Everywhere is a mixture of orange, red, purple or somehow green. Everywhere is preparing for Yalda night. About one month later we are going to celebrate Yalda. The longest night of the year.
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Artificial Intelligence

Make Artwork Using Artificial Intelligence

As a recent successful projects of AI, painting, or generating a painting from random queries is a brand-new branch of AI, especially in Image Processing. AI Art Maker is a smart robots to create Artwork from input Query. To do this, first you have to enter your Query, the subject of painting. My Query was: "Beauty & the Beast", this is the result: Artwork Generated by AI System formerly has learnt millions of Artworks using Object Recognition and/or Labeling as…
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Twice a year, my father is doing gardening. Around Ordibehesht, and along Mehr. Both time plant are flourish in a pretty way. I have double checked my photos and chose some non-edited beautiful pictures of our plant in the yard to proof that fall may be full of flowers. These are all manual-focused pictures. I changed my mind about manual-focus after seeing these pics. I just cropped these photos.
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