Author: admin
Here Goes Nothing, By Steve Toltz
Steve Toltz is an Australian writer, and one of my favorite authors. He used to mix up philosophical concept with art of writing and creates masterpieces. Very first and best-selling novel by him is: "A fraction of the whole" (جز از کل) I am reading another novel by him called: "Here Goes Nothing" (هر چه باداباد) based on a deep Greek philosophy. Worth to read.
Golestan Palace Painting Museum
There is a historical hall in Golestan Palace which contains fine masterpieces from Ghajar Painters such as Kamal-ol-Molk, and his uncle Sani'-ol-Molk.
Work Anniversary
Today is my Third Work Anniversary at Tehran Institute of Technology. I am Full-Stack tutor there but currently teaching just Front-End Web Design. Visit My Academic & Educational Website Now I am planning to expand my knowledge with up-to-date skills. Salut!